2024-2025 Academic Year Faculty of Medicine/Faculty of Dentistry “Blue Card Student Quota” Applications

Dear Prospective Students,

Following ARTICLE 8 (2) of the Üsküdar University International Student Admission Directive; Applications made to the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry for the "Blue Card Student Quota" are evaluated by a committee formed with the participation of the professors of the relevant faculty.

The application period for students to be considered under the Blue Card Quota will continue until 18:00 on July 12, 2024. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered for the main evaluation but will be added to the waiting list.

As a result of the committee's review, a decision will be made to accept or reject student applications. The Noble and Reserve lists will be announced in the next announcement on July 18, 2024.

It is highly recommended that students follow our announcements and check their inboxes regularly.

For any questions, you can e-mail us (international@uskudar.edu.tr) or contact us via WhatsApp: (+90) 216 400 22 85.

We wish you success in your future academic endeavors.

Üsküdar University

Directorate of International Relations